
Featured on “Gamer’s Dominion” Podcast

February 6th, 2016

I was invited by author convention personality Genese Davis to participate in her new podcast, “The Gamer’s Dominion.” Genese is a lovely friend of mine, and we had a lot of fun talking about our take on games, my current projects, and our respective places as women in the industry. It was a great interview; I’m grateful that Genese gave me the opportunity to chat with her.

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Let me help you help me help you.

July 13th, 2015

Regardless of where you are in your career, you will at some point hit a wall and need to get some outside input from a peer or mentor in your field. Having been on both ends of the “I need help!” spectrum, I’ve come to discover that there are ways that you can frame your needs to make your potential advisor more receptive to you, and can even help to encourage a healthy and happy long-term mentor relationship.

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Independent Doesn’t Have To Mean Alone

February 20th, 2015

To most people, St. Louis, Missouri is not what they would consider to be a mecca of indie game development (in spite of the fact that I would vehemently disagree). We’re in what’s called a flyover state; a city best known for weird pizza, a big arch, and a civil revolution. Most people don’t know, however, that St. Louis is also home to one of the fastest-growing game communities in the United States.

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