“We should talk” available now!

July 20th, 2020

We’re so happy to announce that We should talk, a short-form narrative game that will make you think carefully about the words you choose, is available now on Steam, itch.io, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

My team and I have been working on this project since the end of 2017, when we prototyped it for an NYU Game Center “Studio 2” group development course. It was later selected by the NYU Game Center Incubator program as a part of the 2019 cohort, and then picked up by publisher Whitethorn Games.

Our initial goal with We should talk was to create a game that offered a more human, less transactional approach to relationships than we often see in other games. Often we find ourselves playing games where romance and friendship are garnered by gift-giving and saying or doing the “right thing,” which doesn’t feel true to the nuances of actual relationship-building.

It was not our intention to ask players what it means to be the perfect partner, but rather, we aim to ask them to look into how small changes in conversation can impact the bigger picture, and then we hope they re-play, experimenting to see how different choices might impact the conversations and outcomes. We feel this is a more natural approach to choice design that helps us channel the feelings we have during real-world interactions.

We should talk was created by Kat Aguiar, Nobonita Bhowmik, Francesca Carletto-Leon, Jordan Jones-Brewster, Jack Schlesinger, and me. We hope you enjoy it!

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