Exploding Kittens: Recipes for Disaster

For my first published project at Exploding Kittens, I had the opportunity to lead development on Exploding Kittens: Recipes for Disaster. The game is a collection of existing cards and expansion content that also serves as a never-before-seen creative playground for players.

The box contains over 120 cards, and introduces brand new ways to play with existing expansions. More than a dozen custom-designed “recipes” (custom decks) highlight unique card interactions, offer ways to merge expansions to bring out special moments, and create custom-designed experiences based on the interests of the player.

Beyond just that, the box includes blank recipe cards that allow players to assemble their own custom decks to create their own experiences. This is perhaps the most exciting part for me, as it puts power in the hands of the player to experiment and learn how to develop, balance, and test their own decks.

I wrote an in-depth how-to guide for creating custom recipes, featured here on the Exploding Kittens website.